Cafe Pacific

2 July 2015

Café Pacific: Fiji, PNG lead betrayal, but still West Papuans triumph

2 July 2015

David Robie OPINION: The Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders' summit in Honiara this week must go down as the most shameful since the organisation was founded two decades ago.

David Robie
The Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders’ summit in Honiara this week must go down as the most shameful since the organisation was founded two decades ago.

It had the opportunity to take a fully principled stand on behalf of the West Papuan people, brutally oppressed by Indonesia after an arguably “illegal” occupation for more than a half century.

Host nation Solomon Islands Prime Minister and chair Mannaseh Sogareve set the tone by making an impassioned plea at the start of the summit, predicting a “test” for the MSG. He said it would be an issue of human rights and the rule of law.

In the end, the MSG failed the test with a betrayal of the people of West Papua by the two largest members. Although ultimately it is a decision by consensus.

Instead, the MSG granted Indonesia a “promotion” to associate member status – an Asian country, not even Melanesian?

And the recently formed United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), which had been forced to jump through many hoops over the past year or so provide a united “one voice” Papuan  front, was given observer status as a “development partner” for overseas Papuans – the same level occupied by Jakarta since 2011 until its elevation.

Political bribery was at stake. Lucrative aid promises from Jakarta trumped blood ties between Melanesians.

Brave face
Most media and some commentators see this as a huge achievement by the West Papua lobby movement, and even the ULMWP is putting a brave face on it.

Disappointed ... but a step forward. United Liberation Movement
for West Papua (ULMWP) leaders Octo Mote (left)
and Benny Wenda with observer status
at the Honiara meeting
of the Melanesian Spearhead Group.
Image: Stefan Armbruster/SBS

A statement circulated by the Free West Papua Campaign has praised the MSG decision as “making history” with political recognition – but at what price?

“After 53 years of political struggle for the right to self-determination, the ULMWP representing West Papuans, was today granted observer status,” said the statement.

Read the full article at Cafe Pacific

Café Pacific

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