Pacific Scoop

19 October 2011

Indonesian military opens fire at peaceful Papuan Congress

Heavily armed soldiers intimidating the Papuan People’s Congress in Jayapura from westpapuamedia on Vimeo.
19 October 2011

Report from the Jakarta Globe

BREAKING NEWS: JAYAPURA: Indonesian military forces  fired on participants of the Papuan Peoples’ Congress in Jayapura today, according to a press release from West Papua Media tonight.

The report said “credible sources on the ground” had confirmed that at 3:30 pm soldiers opened fire on the gathering, held at a  field in Padang Bulan, Abepura.

The report said casualties had been reported, but that numbers had not been confirmed.

Andreas Harsono of Human Rights Watch told the Jakarta Globe that he received a report of at least one person killed.

Regional Military Commander Major General Erfi Triassunu confirmed the reports of shooting to the Globe, but claimed the shots were only a warning.

He denied there were any casualties.

The warning shots were fired in response to an alleged announcement by the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP) declaring the territory “independent” from Indonesia, Erfi said.

See updates at West Papua Media.

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