Pacific Scoop

19 September 2014

Pacific Scoop: Fiji media lobby group chief condemns abusive poll attack

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19 September 2014

Fijian Media Association president Ricardo Morris today condemned the actions on social media of a radio host from Communications Fiji Limited.

The host, who was not named, reportedly used abusive language to express his thoughts on SODELPA leader Ro Teimumu Kepa, whose party has apparently been defeated by the Fiji First party of coup leader and Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama.

The association appealed to the host and the news media organisation that employs him to immediately issue a public apology to Ro Teimumu Kepa.

The social media abuse message against Ro Teimumu has since been removed.

The FMA statement said:

[We condemn] the vulgar attack on a prominent political leader and chief by a media personality.

While the vulgar language was posted on a social media account and later deleted, we again urge media personnel and the general public to exercise restraint in this very critical period and avoid language and conduct that will inflame tension and ill feeling in Fiji’s communities.

We call on the individual and the media organisation that employs him to immediately issue an apology both to the public and to the leader concerned in the traditional manner.

Ricardo Morris

Morris is also the publisher of Republika magazine and an advocate of press freedom.

The recently formed FMA is trying to raise the standards and professionalism of Fiji media.

Thomas Carnegie is reporting on the Asia-Pacific journalism course. He is the programme's Fiji elections co-ordinating editor.

Thomas Carnegie

Asia-Pacific Journalism student journalist 2014

Thomas Carnegie is a postgraduate student reporter for the Pacific Media Centre and Pacific Scoop.
