PMC Multimedia

27 October 2014

VIDEO: Karen refugees tell of the move to ‘heaven’ – adjusting to life in NZ

27 October 2014

SPECIAL REPORT: Karen refugees from Myanmar (Burma) have been relocated to New Zealand through the UNHCR Refugee Agency since 2000.

Many came to this country to escape the impoverished lives they were forced to live as a result of a civil war that has lasted more than 60 years.

Starvation, lack of education, lack of resources, and military prosecution are a few of the realities they have had to contend with.

As a result, the relocation from refugee limbo to New Zealand is seen as “heaven” by some.

This mini-documentary tells the story of three such Karen – Cicilia Dwe, Eh Doh Soe and Ehla Collins – who have found a new home.

An educational video project made as part of AUT University’s Asia-Pacific Journalism programme with the support of the Pacific Media Centre.
