SIT journalism programme

National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-media, level 5)

The National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-media) (Level 5) is the initial qualification for a professional journalist in the specialist area of newspaper journalism. It is a nationally recognised qualification, taught at a journalism school which is supported by foreign correspondent Peter Arnett.
Learning at the Peter Arnett School of Journalism is facilitated by a simulated newsroom environment with individual work stations, newspaper files and a daily news sourcing system.  The aim is to create a working environment which enables students to develop skills in news gathering, news writing, meeting deadlines and teamwork. Students will be assigned news rounds and are expected to develop stories for publications.  In addition, students will spend four weeks in work experience placements at newspapers around New Zealand.

The courses include short hand, news gathering techniques and writing, feature writing, specialist and ethnic writing, government and local affairs and on-line reporting.

More information on National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-media)   

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