Whitireia Journalism Programme

National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-media) (Level 5)

This is the minimum qualification required by employers in New Zealand's news media industry. It is also a standard national qualification designed by the Communications and Media Industry Training Organisation and posted on the NZ Qualifications Authority’s National Qualifications Framework. Whitireia is accredited to teach the programme.

Whitireia has opted for a mid-year start to the programme each year to ensure graduates have no competition from other journalism school graduates when going for employment. It works well, with most graduates employed with a couple of months of the course end. They find jobs in a wide variety of media outlets – for example, TV3, RadioNZ, NZ Press Association, magazines, business news websites, daily newspapers and community newspapers

A typical class includes people aged 18 to 60 (but mostly in the early 20s and 30s) and from a variety of ethnic backgrounds, school-leavers, degree-holders, and mature applicants looking for a career change or a return to the workforce.

The programme differs from university-based journalism courses in its focus on practical work and the high degree of one-to-one tutoring available. The school has a staff of seven former journalists, whose specialties cover print, web, radio and TV news media. And students are expected to complete work outside class contact hours.

Course Content: The core modules include courses like News reporting (current affairs and news knowledge, research, interviewing); News writing (for internet, print, radio, TV); News media digital photography; Media law and ethics; Bicultural reporting and diversity reporting; Reporting crime and emergency services; Numeracy and polls; Local government reporting; Media industry; Shorthand note taking and keyboard skills.

The electives (three required) include Website editing; TV reporting; Radio reporting with audio; Newspaper feature writing; Newspaper layout and design; Magazine feature writing
*Course costs of about $1000 apply, mainly for the purchase of a digital camera.

Entry Requirements: Domestic students require computer skills in Microsoft Word and use of the internet and email, and must include with their application a CV and a letter. Also required is an evidence of communication skills based on an interview and aptitude test.
The international students need to submit proven equivalence to domestic entry requirements and IELTS 6.5 in reading, writing and speaking

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Diploma in Radio Journalism (Level 5)  

The Diploma in Radio Journalism programme has been designed to equip the students with the skills required to gain a career in the broadcast media. The programme is aimed at producing graduates suitable for employment in the radio industry as news reporters and producers, and is a good first step towards a career in TV journalism.

The radio industry employs about 200 radio journalists in commercial, public, Kiwi and Pacific radio organisations, and no tertiary programme is training recruits in the same way this course does. No other one-year programme in radio journalism exists in New Zealand.

Students spend the first 17 weeks in class at Whitireia Journalism School completing two terms. The 12-week internships run from early August until mid-November. The final term of a month is spent back at Whitireia completing electives.

Structure: Credits: 120 total at level 5.
Core compulsory: 105 at level 5.
Electives: 15 credits required at level 5.

Course Content:  Radio News Reporting, Radio News Story Production, Radio News Voice Presentation, Radio news industry internship, Radio News Package Production and Broadcasting.  (Students have the option to complete a documentary style feature item of at least 10 minutes in length.)

Entry Requirements: Domestic students require computer skills in Microsoft Word and use of the internet and email, and must include with their application a CV and a letter. Radio experience and/or general radio/journalism qualifications preferred.

The international students need to submit proven equivalence to domestic entry requirements and IELTS 6.5 in reading, writing and speaking.

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Certificate in Multimedia Journalism (Level 4) – six months, full time

The Certificate in Multimedia Journalism is a 17-week introduction to news journalism using a range of delivery modes – web, video, still images, radio and print.

It is an ideal way to find out what the modern multi-media journalist does and thus make an informed decision about whether to advance to the news industry’s minimum qualification, the National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-media), which is institution’s main programme. Students may also apply for Whitireia Journalism’s Diploma in Radio Journalism.

The certificate will introduce stduents to news reporting, research, interviewing, and writing, as well as photo-journalism, radio journalism and video reporting for the web. Whitireia offers one course each year, beginning in early February and finishing just prior to the start of the next National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-media).

Course content includes: News knowledge, Research, Interviewing, News writing (print, web, radio), News photography and Photoshop, Media ethics and law, Video reporting. 
*Students must successfully pass all compulsory requirements to graduate with a Certificate in Multimedia Journalism.

Entry Requirements: Domestic students require NCEA Level 2 or equivalent with minimum 8 credits in English (4 credits reading, 4 credits writing) AND evidence of writing ability based on interview and writing test along with good computer skills.

The international students need to submit proven equivalence to domestic entry requirements and IELTS 6.5 in reading, writing and speaking.

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