Come to hear Benny Wenda, a West Papuan tribal leader and one of the leading voices of the peaceful independence movement.
Benny is currently living in exile in the UK. He is the founder of the Free West Papua Campaign (UK) and founder of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua.
Also speaking will be Jennifer Robinson, prominent human rights lawyer and representative of International Lawyers for West Papua. In 2002, Jennifer worked as volunteer for the respected human rights monitoring organisation, Elsham in West Papua.
7:30pm, Monday 11 February 2013
St Columba Centre
40 Vermont St, Ponsonby, Auckland
Public meeting. All welcome. This event is supported by the Pacific Media Centre.
Benny Wenda is visiting New Zealand as part of his first official overseas tour. He will visit political leaders, lawyers, activists and supporters in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea to build support and awareness of the campaign for self-determination for the people of West Papua. Ahead of the tour, Benny Wenda spoke of his hopes that “it will further raise the voice of the West Papuan people whose cries for freedom and justice have been largely ignored by the international community for the last 50 years”.
* Also at this meeting a proposal for a new Auckland based West Papua solidarity group will be discussed. For more information please contact the Indonesian Human Rights Committee on: