Pacific Islands Media Association chair Iulia Leilua will present a seminar on Pasifika, the media and the region at the Pacific Media Centre. She will talk about the association as it prepares for its 10th birthday celebrations and how she sees the future of the Pasifika media industry, media training and PINA's place in the region. PIMA is the main Pacific Islands media lobby group in New Zealand and has played a crucial role in the development of a media voice. Public seminar - all welcome.
Iulia Leilua works as a senior reporter for Māori Television's current affairs programme Native Affairs. In 2003, she helped launch Māori Television's publicity department. She is also director/owner of the Brown Pages - a directory of Māori, Pacific and indigenous peoples in media, arts and culture - and has her own media and PR company Silk Associates.
When: Thursday, 29 September 2011
Time: 7.00-8.30pm
Where: WT1004 (AUT Tower Building, 2 Rutland St, 10th floor seminar room, next door to the new Pacific Media Centre office)
Map: www.pmc.aut.ac.nz/contact