Despite an extensive and newly emerging literature on diaspora communities and ethnic media as distinct research fields, there is limited evidence of research on Pacific diasporas and the increasing presence of Pacific diasporic media across the Asia Pacific rim countries.
This paper identifies conceptual and methodological considerations for a research that seeks to identify the different forms and contents of diasporic media available to South Pacific Island diasporic communities in New Zealand; the information needs of these communities; the role of these media in sustaining their island identities and the extent to which these media promote integration in the host country, socio-cultural separation from their new environment, and/or creation of new hybrid cultures/ identities.
Papoutsaki, Evangelia and Strickland, Naomi (2008). Pacific Islands diaspora media: Conceptual and methodological considerations for a pilot study [online]. Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji, Vol. 6, No. 1/2, 2008: 166-184.
Availability: http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=064303365426069;res=IELNZC ISSN: 1728-7456.