Pacific Media Watch

21 September 2010

FIJI: Sunday Times columnist hopes censorship pressure will ease

Hero image

SUVA: A journalist with more than 40 years experience at the Fiji Times says the newspaper’s enforced sale to a local owner brings hope of a limit on censorship at
the paper.

Australian-owned News Limited’s sale of Fiji’s oldest paper to the locally-owned Motibhai Group is due to be finalised this week

A columnist on the paper’s Sunday edition, Seona Smiles, says under its former owners the paper had become a prime target of the military regime’s attempts to control the media.

“Now that the sale has been forced by the government perhaps these extremes will be lifted. Perhaps we’ll have a second chance to establish ourselves as a newspaper of record.”

Seona Smiles says there’s general relief money was found locally to buy the paper and keep its valuable archives and 140 years of institutional memory going. - Radio NZ International/Pacific Media Watch

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
