This review focuses on the debate on climate change and its implications for policymaking and attitudes in Kiribati. It also deals with how the government has represented this issue to the community and to the outside world through the local and international media and other channels and the impacts of such communications on I-Kiribati understanding of the issues. The review also looks at disjunctures between what is written in the country’s national development plan and what has been said by President Anote Tong, as well as the disconnects between scientific reports about and citizens’ knowledge of risks associated with climate change and possibilities to address it at all levels. As the first review of Kiribati to appear in these pages in almost two decades, rather than being comprehensive, it seeks only to highlight and discuss key trends and themes that have emerged in this debate in hope of suggesting useful directions for future reviews.
Korauaba, T., et al (2014). Kiribati in review. The Contemporary Pacific, v27(1): pp. 232-237: Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014: Taberannang Korauaba, Kelly G Marsh, Clement Yow Mulalap, Christina Sablan, Tyrone J Taitano
Polynesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014: Lorenz Gonschor, Margaret Mutu, Christina Newport, Forrest Wade Young. Available as a pdf file here.