Associate Professor Angela Romano will talk about common conundrums that university researchers in fields such as journalism, media and communications face in gaining ethical clearance to conduct both traditional and practice-based research. Dr Romano will also explore issues faced by academics when trying to gain recognition for practice-based research through New Zealand’s Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) or Australia’s Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) regimes. Dr Romano will explore commonalities between the New Zealand and Australian experiences, and initiate conversation about possibilities for academics in the two nations to benefit from sharing knowledge and strategies about managing bureaucratic requirements.
The agenda for discussions and activities is flexible. Attendees will be asked to what degree they wish to focus on ethical review, traditional research and/or practice-based research, with the focus of discussions and activities shifting to reflect the attendees’ priorities and interests. Practical examples will be provided to stimulate discussion and, as appropriate, for attendees to work through.
Dr Romano teaches and researches in the Queensland University of Technology’s Journalism, Media and Communications discipline and is Honours Coordinator for QUT’s Creative Industries Faculty. This presentation and workshop draws from her experience as a Faculty Research Ethics Adviser for more than a decade and as Deputy Chair of the Human Research Ethics Committee for two years. She is also a peer reviewer for the 2015 ERA national assessment of university research outcomes. She is also a peer reviewer for the 2015 ERA national assessment of university research outcomes, and she has conducted practice-based research projects, with one of these projects winning a United Nations Association of Australia Media Peace Award.
Introduced by PMC director Professor David Robie
When: Thursday, July 2, 2015
Where: WG808, Sir Paul Reeves Building, AUT University, City Campus, Mayoral Drive entrance.