SEMINAR: COMMUNICATING IN AN E-ASIA: The New Zealand contingent to AMIC 2015 in Dubai, UAE, present their conference papers:
1. Dr Adam Brown (Auckland Institute of Studies): The practical and Psychological Transition to
2. Khairiah A. Rahman (Auckland University of Technology): Intercultural Public Relations: Dialogue and Persuasion in the Islamic Tradition
3. Dr David Robie (Auckland University of Technology): La’o Hamutuk and Timor-Leste’s Development Challenges: A Case Study in Human Rights and Collaborative Journalism
Three varied and interesting topics. Organised and hosted by the Pacific Media Centre.
Chaired by Associate Professor Camille Nakhid
All welcome. Refreshments.
When: 5 August 2015, 5-6.30pm
Where: WG808, Sir Paul Reeves Building, AUT University