SUVA (University of the South Pacific / Pacific Media Watch): A panel discussion on media freedom and the Fiji general election will be held at the University of the South Pacific campus at Laucala Bay in the Fiji capital of Suva tomorrow.
Panelists include Ashwin Raj of the Media Industry Development Authority (MIDA) with media experts, journalists and commentators: Seona Smiles, Netani Rika, Ricardo Morris, and Rachna Lal.
The chairperson is Stanley Simpson, an experienced broadcaster and journalist who is a former graduate of the USP journalism programme.
The topic to commemorate World Press Freedom Day is: Press Freedom. The Fiji Election.
The final draft of the UNESCO International Programme for the Development of Communication says:
“Every journalist killed or neutralised by terror is an observer less of the human condition. Every attack distorts reality by creating a climate of fear and self-censorship.”
At this moment journalists from the TV channel Al Jazeera are in jail in Cairo, Egypt, for their alleged crimes. They have been behind bars for more than 100 days. They deny all charges.
Reporters without Borders says 11 journalists have already been killed this year and 166 imprisoned.
The discussion on Press Freedom. The Fiji Election will be held at the Japan Centre on Laucala Campus at 2pm on Friday, May 2. Members of the public are welcome.
The programme will also be transmitted live over Radio Pasifik, the USP radio station, and sent via a special USP TV video link to all USP Extension Centres in the region.
This is a first for the journalism programme.
For further information contact:
Patrick Craddock
Fellow in Journalism
School of Language, Arts and Media,
The University of the South Pacific,
Laucala Campus
Suva, Fiji
Phone: (+679) 32-32017
Mobile: (+679) 786-4898
Email: craddock_p@usp.ac.fj
Live streaming - interview with the ABC's Sean Dorney
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