Pacific Media Watch

25 November 2010

TONGA: Tongans 'glued to the radio' for historic election results

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Photo: ABC

NUKU'ALOFA: With early results coming in from individual polling stations, the names of the leading candidates in Tonga's general election are expected to be clear by 9:00 pm tonight after thousands of people turned out for the polls on an overcast day.

Tongans around the country are glued to the radio as the numbers are announced as they come in.

This morning polling places around Nuku'alofa were quite busy and had small queues of people at times as whole families arrived in groups and individuals flowed through what turned out to be a relatively smooth and easy polling process.

Many people said they were happy and excited at the historic occasion where they will for the first time elect the people who will form a new government, and the mood of the voters was happy and relaxed.

A recent change in the electoral system has attracted independent candidates, many of them newcomers with no political experience, to contest seats held by seasoned incumbents. Some candidates have formed alliances and party affiliations.

Today's election was called by King George Tupou V "the greatest and most historic day for our Kingdom." In an address to the nation last night the king said "You will choose your representative to the Parliament and thus the first elected Government in our country's long history." - Matangi Tonga/Pacific Media Watch

Article: Tongans listening to Polling results

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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