Pacific Media Watch

7 March 2020

WEST PAPUA: #I’llridewithyou, West Papua – three women who speak out

Speaking out on West Papua ... risky, you could end up in jail, or worse. Image: Belinda Lopez/ABC

SYDNEY (ABC Radio National/Asia Pacifioc Report/Pacific Media Watch): After the 2014 Lindt cafe bombing in Sydney, the social media hashtag #illridewithyou went viral in solidarity.

At the same time, three women in Jakarta were trying to work out how to make people care about terrible events in remote West Papua–  a highly sensitive topic in Indonesia.

This is the story of what happened to the women who decided to speak out.

LISTEN: Three women speak out on West Papua

Report: Belinda Lopez
Veronica Koman – Human rights lawyer
Zely Ariane – Activist
Dorkas Kossay – West Papuan student activist

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
