Murray Horton

PMC profile photograph
Political activist, advocate and researcher

Murray Horton is organiser of the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) and an advocate of a range of progressive causes for the past four decades.

He said about his CAFCA job at a Pacific Media Centre seminar in 2011: "My actual job title is secretary/organiser.

"CAFCA is a Christchurch-based organisation dating back to the mid 1970s, whose aim - summed up in one sentence - is to expose and oppose all aspects of foreign control of this country.

"If you want to learn more about the issue, and what we say and do about it, then I refer you to our material, either the hard copy samples available at this meeting or to our two websites and that of our publication Foreign Control Watchdog, which is at

Hopefully some of you will join CAFCA, which is the best way to stay informed about the issue."

He was profiled in the Christchurch Press on 14 February 2009 where he was described as "the last radical" in New Zealand.

CAFCA links | CAFCA on Facebook

Murray Horton articles on PMC Online
