Pacific Media Watch

24 May 2011

SAMOA: PM to appeal against BSA ruling on Campbell Live tsunami report

Hero image
TV3's John Campbell and Samoa PM Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi. Photo: TV3

Aigaletaule’ale’ā F. Tauafiafi

APIA: (Samoa Observer/Pacific Media Watch): Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has renewed his attack on New Zealand journalist John Campbell, describing him as “childish".

He has also taken a swipe at the Tautua Party leaders, telling them they were “shallow and simple".

Closer to home, Tuilaepa has instructed the Attorney-General to take his complaints about Campbell Live’s TV3 report to the highest court in New Zealand.

Tuilaepa said: “The most important thing is to protect the integrity and good name of Samoa and its leaders.”

Money, he said, was not the issue in pursuing the case when the good name of the country has been dragged through the international mud.

“This is not about being embarrassed or being vindictive,” said Tuilaepa.

“The only thing the government wants is to remove the false impression that money has been misused because of misreporting.

Campbell 'misreported'
“The fact is John Campbell misreported.”

Tuilaepa said what was really “shameful is [that] this palagi went with the report containing all the answers to his questions about what was done.

“That 862 houses were built, water was connected, power connected, roads built, and yet his report questioned all these and said nothing had been done with the money that arrived.

“The sole reason in pursuing this case is to protect the good name of Samoa.

“And also to ensure the reports are accurate, balanced and that they maintained their contextual integrity.

“Especially when it’s noted that Campbell’s report would have been a credible one if they had not been provided with the information in answer to what they were investigating.”

Tuilaepa said the reason Campbell did not honour the three meetings scheduled so the two of them could visit the sites together was clear.

“The truth is,” said Tuilaepa, “John Campbell did not want to go and see for himself because then he would see that the tsunami report we gave him is true.

“It means he would not have a story.”

Journalists blamed
Tuilaepa also blamed a number of local journalists who, he said, "colluded" with Campbell.

“What our people and the Tautua Party forget is that they are hanging out our country to be embarrassed and tainted in front of the world.”

Tuilaepa revisited the night John Campbell "ambushed" him at Vaitele, saying: “Those are the mannerisms of palagi who do not understand the protocols and station of a national leader.

“His behaviour is that of a small child with no manners.” 

Tuilaepa says the Tautua leadership’s persistent call for a financial report on the tsunami “is part of my continuing role as their economics lecturer".

Tuilaepa has a Masters in Economics.

“I have to continue teaching the Opposition on this matter. All the monies are in the tsunami report which is tabled in Parliament and then it is passed on.

“And yet they are still asking.

'Shallow calibre'
“So if they keep on harping about the financial report and support these unsubstantiated reports by overseas journalists, then it highlights even more the weak and shallow calibre of leaders there are in the Opposition.”

Tuilapea said what was important was that “the New Zealand and Australia leaders have endorsed the government’s good work.

“They have issued reports and have gone to visit what’s happened and they are happy.”

His advice to the Tautua Party?

“Look at this in more depth and with substance because they will impact negatively on them.”

Extra box

BSA rules against Samoan Campbell Live complaint AUCKLAND (PMW): The Broadcasting Standards Authority ruled earlier this month against the complaint by the Attorney-General of Samoa against Campbell Live's report on the tsunami reconstruction funding controversy. The Attorney-General lodged complaints against both reports broadcast by TV3 on September 27 and November 1. The BSA gave its ruling on May 5. BSA report on ruling 4165

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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