
1 June 2008

Media and Development

Issues and Challenges in the Pacific Islands
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Media and Development: Issues and Challenges in the Pacific Islands
Lautoka and Auckland: Fijian Institute of Applied Studies; co-publishers: Pacific Media Centre (AUT)
Co-editors: Associate Professor Biman Prasad and Shailendra Singh

Does the media in the Pacific sufficiently cover development issues? Where does it go wrong and what does it miss? What are the challenges faced by Pacific Island journalists and how does this affect coverage of development issues?

Contributors include: Associate Professor David Robie, Dr Evangelia Papoutsaki, Julie Middleton, Jaap Jasperse, Nicole Gooch and Lisa Williams-Lahari, Dr Trevor Cullen, Kevin Barr, Professor Ron Duncan, Nazhat Shameem, Dr Shaista Shameem and Kalinga Seneviratne. Topics include: Gender, media and development; environmental journalism and development; developing Pacific health journalism; poverty and development; human rights and development; and development journalism - future directions.

Shailendra Singh

PMC Research Associate

Dr Shailendra Singh is senior lecturer and coordinator of journalism at the University of the South Pacific in Suva.
