Asia-Pacific Nius

5 July 2011

China: Actress Lv Liping's homosexual slurs unacceptable

Hero image
Chinese actress Lv Liping ... hostile message to gays. Photo:
5 July 2011

OPINION: Last month, US pop queen Lady Gaga criticiSed governments for not doing more to defend gay rights in a speech in front of hundreds of thousands of fans in Rome, Italy.

The 25-year-old singer, ranked this year's most powerful celebrity by Forbes business magazine, called for action to end discriminatory attitudes and legislation before a performance to conclude a huge European gay rights march.

"We stand here to demand an end to intolerance," she shouted, in the Catholic Church's own backyard.

"Today and every day we fight for freedom. We fight for justice. We beckon for compassion, understanding and above all we want full equality now. We have the same DNA. We were just born this way."

Lv Liping could learn something from Gaga.

Last week, the Chinese actress reposted anti-homosexual messages on Weibo, or micro blog - China's answer to Twitter.

The comments, which describe the gay and lesbian community as "shameful" and "sinners," originated from a US clergyman, no doubt outraged at the decision by lawmakers to legalise same-sex marriage in New York two weeks ago. Apparently a staunch Christian, although perhaps not of the "love thy neighbor as thyself" variety, Lv encouraged her religious buddies to spread the hateful message further.

Thankfully, many of China's netizens were suitably outraged by Lv's blatantly bigoted attitude, and support for gay rights came thick and fast from many micro-bloggers, including other Chinese celebrities, some of whom are openly gay.

Lv's husband-director Sun Haiying, who courted controversy in 2007 when he labelled homosexuality a "sin against humanity," jumped to his wife's defence, saying she was entitled to her opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I am all about freedom of expression. As it was famously put, by someone far more eloquent than Sun: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

But when by asserting your opinion you seriously infringe on the rights of others, I say, keep it to yourself.

Read Kim Bowden's full article at the China Daily

Kim Bowden

Asia-Pacific internship journalist

Kim Bowden is on a three-month internship with the state-owned China Daily in Beijing. Watch for her occasional reports.
