
Media seminar on the making of Brother Number One documentary

The Brother Number One film trailer.

Brother Number One, a New Zealand documentary about the torture and murder of yachtsman Kerry Hamill by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in 1978, has been launched at international film festivals in New Zealand and Australia. As well as Auckland and Melbourne, it has been selected for other festivals. The film follows the journey of New Zealander Rob Hamill, an Olympic and Trans-Atlantic champion rower, who travels to Cambodia to retrace the steps taken by his brother speaking to eyewitnesses, perpetrators and survivors of the so-called "killing fields" genocide. An estimated 1.7 million people were murdered by the Pol Pot regime between 1975 and 1979 immediately after the end of the Vietnam war. The film has also been invited to the Melbourne International Film Festival in Australia.

Professor Annie Goldson of Auckland University,  the director, will present clips and discuss the documentary as a human rights and investigative project for student journalists and filmmakers, and the public.

When: Thursday, 18 August  2011
Time:   7.00-8.30pm
Where: WT1004 (AUT Tower Building, 2 Rutland St, 10th floor seminar room, next door to the new Pacific Media Centre office)
Map: www.pmc.aut.ac.nz/contact

Brother Number One website

Annie Goldson interview on Brother Number One - NZ Listener
