Pacific Media Watch

19 October 2011

WEST PAPUA: Strikes, blockades and sabotage threaten Freeport mine

Hero image
Four dead at Freeport mine as strike and tension continues. Photo: PMC archive

JAYAPURA (Radio NZ International / Pacific Media Watch):  Freeport Indonesia says it considering a controlled shutdown of the entire mine in Papua following suspected sabotage and a strike in its second month.

The US-owned company, which runs the world’s most profitable gold and copper mine, is continuing to assess the security situation after a pipeline was cut in what the firm described as sabotage.

The roads connecting the mine to the port are still blocked as tension has risen.

Last week, police killed one of the more than 8000 strikers and later in the week unidentified gunmen shot dead three contractors trying to maintain the mining operation.

Freeport’s chief administration officer Sinta Sirait has told the Jakarta Post that the incidents have triggered blockades and the destruction of several facilities, creating a chaotic situation.

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Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
