Pacific Media Watch

25 November 2011

NZ: Pacific election candidates urge people to vote

Tagata Pasifika's programme last night on election candidates

AUCKLAND (Tagata Pasifika / Pacific Media Watch): Tagata Pasifika have aired a round-up of Pasifika election candidates as New Zealand prepares for its general election tomorrow.

As well as a summary of the choices at the referendum on the electoral system, the TVNZ segment profiled a range of candidates from almost all parties.

Marama Papau profiled Charles Chauvel for Labour in Ohariu, while Tagaloatele Osone Okesene was in Waitakere with Tongan candidate Carmel Sepuloni.

Sepuloni, who was given the green light to run against incumbent National MP and Minister of Social Welfare and support Paula Bennett, is a also in a battle against tireless campaigner and Mana candidate Sue Bradford.

Tagaloatele also looked at the seat of Mangere where a number of Pacific island candidates a running, including Su'a William Sio, for Labour, Fa'avae Gagamoe, for the Conservative Party, Taliaoa Oliva Ilalio for New Zealand First, and James Papali'i for Mana.

Watch the full Tagata Pasifika report

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
