Pacific Media Watch

7 August 2012

FIJI: 'Suitcase radio' rural broadcast to link with women leaders

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FemLINKPACIFIC’s executive director Sharon Bhagwan Rolls. Photo: PMC

NADI (Femlink Pacific / Pacific Media Watch): The Tavua-based GOLD Foundation will host their first 'suitcase radio' broadcast on Friday and Saturday in conjunction with FemLINKPACIFIC, the operators of FemTALK 89FM.

The community radio broadcast will feature a series of radio programmes produced around meetings with rural women’s leaders and groups in Rakiraki, Ba and Tavua. They will be held from August 6-9.

The rural community media consultations are an interactive process aiming to build on the initiatives of networks such as the Fiji Women’s Forum and other women’s rights groups.

FemLINKPACIFIC’s executive director Sharon Bhagwan Rolls says the meetings will help rural women engage in the process of democratisation, including Constitution submissions. 

“This will be an opportunity to provide a platform for women to address the four priority areas agreed through the Fiji Women’s Forum, co-convened by the National Council of Women, Soqosoqo Vakamarama i Taukei, Fiji Women's Rights Movement and FemLINKPacific, including the respect for human rights," she says.

"Defining the role of the security forces, the promotion of women’s participation in decision-making and democratisation processes including Temporary Special Measures and ensuring a rights based, respectful, open and participatory constitution making process.”

The broadcast is part of the Fiji activities of the Regional Women’s Media and Policy Network on UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which has the support of the European Union, UNDP – Strengthening Capacities for Peace and Development Project, the Generation Next project supported by the International Women’s Development Agency and in collaboration with the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement.


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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
