Wintech Communication Programme

Graduate Diploma in Communication (Level 7)

This programme is designed to enhance students’ degree or work experience by providing them with knowledge and skills in public relations / advertising practices or professional, corporate and creative writing. This additional skill base will provide them with career opportunities in public relations, advertising and corporate communications.

The Graduate Diploma in Communication (Level 7) has an emphasis on practical learning and extensive contact with industry. Students will work on real projects with real clients, and have support from tutors with industry experience. They may choose to study a pathway in one of two endorsements, these being in the areas of public relations / advertising or professional / creative writing.
The key features of this programme are:
•    opportunities to obtain marketable skills
•    practical focus with you working on real projects with real clients
•    academic staff have extensive industry background
•    specialist teaching room with telephone, fax, video, and internet access is

Programme Content: The Graduate Diploma in Communication (Level 7) is a one year full-time programme. It consists of eight papers offered over two semesters (16 weeks) from February to June and July to November. One can also study this programme part-time. All assessments are internal with no end of year examinations. They will study:

Professional Writing Endorsement:  Organisational Communication; Feature Writing; Writing Workshop; Professional Writing and Technical Communication; Writing Project; Digital Publishing; Professional Research Project or Internship; Plus any Level 7 module from a Wintec degree programme.

Public Relations / Advertising Endorsement: Brand Communication Campaign; Organisational Communication; Writing for the Media; Media Communication or Web Media; Applied Public Relations; Advertising Strategies; Professional Research Project or Internship; Plus any Level 7 module from a Wintec degree programme.

The entry criteria includes a degree conferred by a New Zealand tertiary education institution, or equivalent qualification and / or industry experience and approved by the Head of School.

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National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-Media)

The National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-Media) (Level 5) programme has been designed to equip students with the skills required to gain a career in the daily media. It incorporates news gathering and writing for print, broadcast and internet, news photography, court and police reporting, media law and ethics, bi-cultural and multi-cultural perspectives and shorthand. They will also gain hands-on work experience in the media industry. In addition, the programme may include feature writing, radio / television news, layout and design of newspaper pages, internet literacy and multi-media.

The programme is offered in two ways:

a.    as a full-time classroom-based programme at Wintec's Hamilton campus OR
b.    as a part-time internet-based online programme of study for those who are
       not able to study full-time at a tertiary institution

The National Diploma in Journalism (Multi-Media) (Level 5) is the only entry qualification recognised by the journalism industry. Its key features are:

•    equipping with marketable skills
•    academic staff have extensive industry background in print, radio and TV
      journalism in New Zealand and overseas
•    work experience at a media outlet during the programme
•    Hamilton based students will have access to a fully equipped teaching room /
      newsroom with PCs, internet access, telephone, tape recorders and video
•    Opportunity to write and edit stories for the award winning Fieldays Exhibitor
•    the qualification is moderated by the New Zealand Journalists Training
•    the programme is NZQA accredited

Programme Content: The courses offered in this programme include  News Media Industry Experience; Police, Court, Emergency; Keyboarding 35 wpm; News Gathering; News Analysis; Local Government; News Writing; Media Ethics; Media Law; News: Bi-cultural Perspective; News: Multi-cultural Perspective; News Photos; shorthand and Maths for journalists.

Students will also study additional elective modules like Layout and Design Feature Writing: Magazine; Feature Writing: Newspaper / Internet; Radio News; Television News; Internet News Sites.

Entry Criteria: 54 credits at NCEA Level 2 in four subjects, including English, or equivalent qualification. Candidates with English as a second language are required to have an IELTS score of 6.0 or better in the academic module, with at least 5.5 in the written band. Special admission may be granted to candidates aged 20 years or over who do not meet the specified entry requirements. All candidates will be asked to attend an interview during which they will be required to demonstrate good writing skills and an interest in news media and current affairs.

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Bachelor of Media Arts (Communication)

For those who are interested in a career in journalism, advertising, public relations, film or television, the Bachelor of Media Arts (Communication) is a unique, practical and project driven degree working primarily with language in the media. The Communication endorsement of the Bachelor of Media Arts allows students to specialise in journalism, moving image or public relations / advertising.

Programme Content

In the first year of study, students will develop writing, media, and interpersonal skills common to moving image, public relations / advertising, and journalism practices. They will also have a choice of two introductory modules to support their chosen pathway.

In year two they can apply to specialise in moving image, or continue with communication, which has a mix of media based modules to support the journalism and public relations / advertising pathways. The benefits of this approach are that they get to try out a range of options before committing to their specialist field. At the end of year two they can choose either the journalism or public relations / advertising specialist pathways.

Further electives are available from across the Media Arts programme, regardless of their endorsement of entry. For example, one may wish to specialise in advertising, but do a number of photography electives. The BMA structure is designed to let them maintain an interest in a number of disciplines.

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Certificate in Radio Broadcasting (level 4)

This Level 4 programme has been designed with input from industry professionals to give students the skills and knowledge the radio industry requires. It will also provide an introduction to the world of radio broadcasting.

It is an industry-focused qualification, covering on-air work, journalism, production, advertising, and copy writing. Wintec's dedicated radio station Max-FM 107.1 will play an important part in your programme of study.
Programme Content: The students study advertising / radio commercials; Broadcasting law; Sound systems; Presenting on air for radio; Recording and editing for radio broadcasting; Operating a studio during a live broadcast; Using automated equipment and voice reports"

Students also must complete the following compulsory core modules:

The Broadcast Industry: This module explores the structure, regulatory environment and governance of the radio industry in New Zealand.

Radio Programming: In this module, students will gain knowledge of radio programming, announcing, programme delivery and scheduling.

Commercial Production and Station Promotion: This module provides them with an understanding of the role of radio industry promotions and marketing across the radio industry. It also provides hands-on experience in advertising production, creative conceptualising, campaign planning, and promotion implementation.

Work in Industry: This module familiarises students with the demands of industry-based broadcasting first-hand and introduces students to professional practice.

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