Pacific Scoop

14 August 2010

RAMSI security force under investigation after killing of Solomon Islands man

Hero image
RAMSI soldiers patrolling the streets of Honiara, Solomon Islands. Photo: Jason Dorday/
Pledge of full investigation
14 August 2010

Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) security forces have killed a Solomon Islands man on the outskirts of Honiara on Thursday. The incident has sparked an investigation by both Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and RAMSI itself.

Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) security forces have killed a Solomon Islands man on the outskirts of Honiara on Thursday. The incident has sparked an investigation by both Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and RAMSI itself.

It is the first time RAMSI personnel have been responsible for the death of a Solomon Islander since Pacific regional military and police forces were deployed to the Solomons in 2003.

RAMSI Special Coordinator Graeme Wilson said: “This is the first time in the mission’s seven year history that the actions of RAMSI personnel operating in the line of duty had resulted in the death of a Solomon Islander. It is deeply disappointing that such an incident has occurred."

The family of the deceased and also officials of the Pacific Islands Forum have been notified of the killing. The governments of the Pacific’s contributing nations are also being contacted. RAMSI officers met with the family of the deceased where they gave assurances a full investigation would be held.

Full RAMSI statement follows:

RAMSI Special Coordinator, Graeme Wilson, today expressed his deepest regret at the tragic death of a Solomon Islands man in a fatal shooting by RAMSI security forces on the outskirts of Honiara today.

Mr Wilson said he wanted to extend the Mission’s heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased on behalf of all members of the Regional Assistance Mission, including RAMSI’s Participating Police Force (PPF) and military contingent.

“RAMSI met with representatives of the family today and expressed our deepest sympathy at the loss of their relative,” Mr Wilson said.

“This is the first time in the Mission’s seven year history that the actions of RAMSI personnel operating in the line of duty had resulted in the death of a Solomon Islander.”

“It is deeply disappointing that such an incident has occurred,” he said.

“I give the people of Solomon Islands my personal assurance that RAMSI takes this matter very seriously.”

RAMSI is assisting the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force with their investigation into the incident as well as conducting their own internal investigation.

Mr Wilson said he wanted to thank the family of the deceased for the way in which they have worked closely with both the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force and RAMSI today.

“We appreciate the family’s willingness, at what is a very difficult time, to sit down and talk with us and work out how we can best assist.”

 Mr Wilson said the Pacific Islands Forum had been informed and RAMSI was in the process of informing all countries contributing to the mission.


Pacific Scoop

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Published as a partnership between the AUT Pacific Media Centre and Scoop Media Ltd. Contributions include items from student journalists at AUT University, DWU University and the University of the South Pacific. Editorial policy
