PACIFIC JOURNALISM REVIEW 20th Anniversary Conference and Celebration
Theme: Political journalism in the Asia-Pacific region
Programme includes:
- Investigative journalism
- Documentary films
- Media industry panels
- PJR celebrationThe Pacific Media Centre's research journal Pacific Journalism Review is marking its 20th anniversary in November with a two-day Asia-Pacific conference and celebration. Editorial board members, reviewers, researchers and authors are especially encouraged to come for this event and to present papers. A general invitation is also extended to all interested people to offer papers, give industry talks, provide panel discussions and present documentary films. Selected peer-reviewed papers will also be published in the May 2015 edition.
Keynote addresses include: Celebrated journalist and film maker Max Stahl from Timor-Leste - the man who exposed the 1991 Indonesian massacre at Santa Cruz cemetery to the world; New Zealand film maker Jim Marbrook with a special screening of his new documentary on nickel mining on indigenous lands in New Caledonia, Cap Bocage; and Dr Lee Duffield from Australia with a comparative history research paper about Pacific Journalism Review. A short film by Sasya Wreksono about the "life" of PJR will also be screened.
Pacific Journalism Review was launched at the University of Papua New Guinea in November 1994.