Hannah Spyksma

PMC profile photograph
PMC correspondent

Hannah Spyksma was educated as a journalist in AUT's School of Communication Studies.

She is currently studying in Europe on the Erasmus Mundus Master's programme in Journalism, Media and Globalisation. Previous to this she worked in communications and as a reporter for Fairfax Media New Zealand. She writes:

"As a proud Northlander, I've grown up with a few things that have helped shaped my journalism practice: An association with the ocean, a love for the environment, an ever-growing interest in the diverse people who call Aotearoa home, and two feet that love to travel.  

"At the moment I'm combining all of those interests as I study my master's in Europe. My specialisation is in transnational, intercultural media and my research interests include the future of journalism, international relations and environmental reporting in the Asia-Pacific region, immigration, queer communities and fringe communities. 

"Hopefully I'll be able to find some way to combine some of these interests into my master's thesis - that's the goal anyway. 

"While I'm living in Europe at the moment, I'm sure the call of the ocean will draw me back to New Zealand soon. The South Pacific is really where it's at!"

Hannah Spyksma's articles on PMC Online

Hannah Spyksma's articles on Pacific Scoop

Website: www.youngqueerandbroke.com

Twitter: @hannahspyksma 
