Dr Crosbie Walsh is an adjunct professor of the University of the South Pacific and was founding director of USP’s Centre for Development Studies in Fiji.
His links with Fiji and the Pacific go back to the late 1950s with masterate papers in Pacific History and Geography. His masters thesis was on Tonga where he taught in the 1960s. At Massey University, he was founding director of the Centre for Development Studies.
His doctoral thesis is on urban squatting in Fiji where he worked at University of the South Pacific in the 1970s. From 1994 until retirement in 1999 he was the founding director of USP's Development Studies progamme.
He has also worked at the UPNG and the University of Hawaii and conducted research and consultancies on development-related topics in several Pacific Island countries, for governmental, international and regional agencies.
Professor Walsh also publishes the Fiji blog Fiji: The Way It Was, Is and Can Be