PJR 20th anniversary conference - call for papers

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Vol. 21, No 1, May 2015

Call for articles and commentaries:

20th Anniversary of PJR Conference

Theme: Political journalism in the Asia-Pacific

Edition editors: Professor David Robie and Professor Barry King (PMC-AUT), and Dr Philip Cass (Unitec)

Associate editors:Dr Allison Oosterman (AUT) and Dr Philip Cass (Unitec)

Frontline editor: Professor Wendy Bacon (ACIJ)

Reviews editor:Dr Allison Oosterman

Pacific Journalism Review will be celebrating 20 years of publication in November. A special anniversary conference is being planned for November 27/28/29 at AUT University. Following on from the PJR edition being published then, the editors will also be drawing on the best papers presented at the conference. A feature of the conference papers will be political journalism related to asylum seekers and the “Pacific solution”; the “return of democracy” elections in Fiji in September; and the changing political and mediascape in the Pacific and important elections in Indonesia (implications for West Papua), French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.  Papers related to the history of newspapers and publications in the Pacific region will also be welcome.

Other papers are invited to address themes such as:

·         Media laws and political journalism in Fiji

·         Eight years in Fiji without democracy

·         Climate change and political journalism

·         Asylum seekers and the ‘Pacific solution’

·         Decolonisation and the referendum vote in New Caledonia

·         Political media and the elections in the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu

·         The ballot box in Indonesia  - how has media freedom fared?

·         Censorship and free expression in the media

·         Media freedom in Timor-Leste

·         The history of newspapers and publications in the Pacific

·         Celebrity journalism, fame and inequality

·         Reflections on the history of PJR

Articles on unthemed topics related to media and journalism theory and practice may also be considered for the edition.

The double blind peer-reviewed journal has five main sections: Research articles, Commentaries, Frontline, Forum and Reviews.
The APA-based style guide is at: www.pjreview.info/style-guide

Submissions:   pjreview@aut.ac.nz

Managing editor: Professor David Robie david.robie@aut.ac.nz

Articles up to 6000 words

Commentaries1500 to 3000 words

Frontline up to 6000 wds

Reviewsup to 1500 words (Noted short reviews: 300 words)

Forum contributions up to 800 words.

Submission deadlines:
For the conference:
August 20, 2014

Final copy for the journal edition: January 20, 2015

Pacific Journalism Review

Research journal

Pacific Journalism Review, published by AUT's Pacific Media Centre, is a peer-reviewed journal covering media issues and communication in the South Pacific, Asia-Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. ISSN 1023-9499 www.pjreview.info
