Pacific Media Watch

24 September 2014

FIJI: Opposition NFP plans to seek amendments to media law

Hero image
NFP party leader Dr Biman Prasad and president Tupou Draunidalo. Image: FijiLeaks

Mere Naleba
SUVA (The Fiji Times / Pacific Media Watch): National Federation Party president Tupou Draunidalo is thankful that winning three seats in Parliament will allow the party to seek amendments to some decrees - mincluding the Media Decree - and also to raise the issue of reducing VAT tax from 15 percent to 10 per cent.

She said those decrees included as well as the Media Decree, those involving unions and human rights.

"As you know there are some decrees that we felt were very harsh, the Media Decree the decree involving the unions, the other decrees dealing with human rights issues and lives of people, those we would like to propose amendments in parliament and hopefully work with the majority of parliament to make sure that those amendments are more better for investment in the country," Draunidalo said.

Party leader Professor Biman Prasad said they would like to be the voice of every person in Fiji in terms of critical issues affecting Fijians, especially ordinary Fijians.

"As you know, reducing VAT is one of the very credible proposals based on the fact that we had one of the highest cost of living ever in the country. VAT is a regressive tax and we do hope that the government will consider our proposal and reduce VAT from 15 to 10 percent when they do the next budget for this year," he said.

SODELPA leader Ro Teimumu Kepa yesterday confirmed her 15-member party officials who would form the Opposition team in Parliament would soon meet with the three NFP.

Ro Teimumu is confident they will work well together since they willnow have access to government documentation and information.


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