PMC Multimedia

22 March 2015

VIDEO: Indonesian security forces fire on West Papuans, says AWPA

BACKGROUND: Student activist Maria returns to her homeland West Papua after living for several years in Melbourne, Australia. Filmmaker Izzy Brown tells the story of repression in Papua. Video: Izzy Brown

SYDNEY (Australia West Papua Association/Pacific Media Watch): The Indonesian security forces have again targeted KNBP in West Papua leaving one person killed and three wounded, according to reports reaching the Australia West Papuan Association.
Throughout the past week the Yahukimo regional branch of the KNBP (West Papua National Comittee) held a fundraising campaign in support of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).

The AWPA report says:

On the morning of Thursday, March 19, as preparations were underway for the closing ceremony in Dekai, Yahukimo regency, the Yahukimo District Police and a mobile brigade arrived and started tearing down the stage, confiscating  KNPB banners, megaphones, speakers, microphones and cameras and used   force to disband the crowd. According to the police the organisers did not have a permit to hold the event.
The Yahukimo regency in West Papua.The crowd became angry at the heavy-handed approach by the security forces and in the melee that followed Brimob members fired at the crowd resulting in one person killed and 3 wounded.
Joe Collins of AWPA said: “The situation in Yahukimo remains tense with the security forces on patrol and conducting searches. They also raided the secretariat office of the Yakuhimo KNPB removing and damaging equipment”.
In other incidents
A police officer's revolver was grabbed as the security forces dispersed the people at the closing ceremony and it was also reported the Dekai Airport was besieged to prevent troop reinforcements from arriving.  
The list of casualties are from first reports and it is understood that human rights defenders are on the ground investigating the incidents and will report in more detail after their investigation.
Obang segenil aged 48 years, a village head who was shot and died while receiving medical attention in Yakuhimo hospital
Samson Giban (42), shot in the left hand
Titus Giban (39), shot in the ribs
Iner Sekenil (16), shot in the hand.
Arrested and currently detained at the police station in Yakuhimo
Elkius Kobak (23)
White Bahabol (28),
Era Kobak (26)
Julius Payage (32)
Pion Yelemaken (22).

Victims 'fund-raising for Cyclone Pam'

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Pacific Media Watch

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