Pacific Media Watch

22 June 2015

NZ: Greenpeace head Bunny McDiarmid stepping down from key role

Pacific Media Watch contributing editor Alistar Kata interviews Bunny McDiarmid as part of the Rainbow Warrior: 30 Years On student journalist project. Video: PMC

AUCKLAND (Greenpeace NZ/Pacific Media Watch): The executive director of Greenpeace New Zealand, who is also a former head of Greenpeace Pacific, has announced that she is stepping down- barely a month before the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior.

Bunny McDiarmid was a deckhand on board the bombed ship in which Greenpeace photographer Fernando Pereira was killed by the French secret service attack on 10 July 1985.

She also took part in the evacuation of the nuclear testing refugees of Rongelap Atoll in the Marshall Islands in May 1985, a humanitarian mission that led her into fulltime activism in the global environmental organisation.

McDiarmid announced her resignation recently in a posting on the Greenpeace New Zealand blog.

"After a decade doing probably the best job in New Zealand, I've decided to resign as executive director," she said.

"I have loved being part of Greenpeace New Zealand over the last 10 years as executive director. But now is the time for someone else to take on this wonderful role."

'Exciting time'
Her letter circulated to Greenpeace supporters said:

Alistar Kata interviewing Bunny McDiarmid at AUT University. Image: David Robie/PMCI think I have the best job in New Zealand. Being the head of Greenpeace is challenging, fun, humbling, often exhausting and always interesting.

But, now it's time for someone else to do it.

As a supporter of Greenpeace New Zealand I wanted to tell you personally that I have decided to resign from my position as executive director of Greenpeace New Zealand Aotearoa.

It was not an easy decision for me to make, but maybe fitting as this year is the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior, the ship on which I first sailed into Greenpeace. My plan is to go back to some sailing with my family in the Pacific and beyond, and combine that with some Greenpeace work.

I have been the executive director for 10 years. That decade has been a truly exciting time to be leading this amazing little organisation that you're such a key part of. I have loved it.

I’d like to thank you for all your support, strength and commitment. Whenever we stand up and take action, knowing that you are by our side makes all the difference and gives us great strength.

Greenpeace NZ is in really good shape, which has made this tough decision a little less tough. The team here is strong, innovative, hard-working and passionate. They have made my job exciting and rewarding. Their courage and tenacity means they will continue to find solutions to the challenges we face both here in New Zealand and also, increasingly, around the world.

You are part of a great team at Greenpeace.

Together we tackle the tough jobs. We constantly try new ways to be as effective as possible. We don’t let the obstacles or mistakes we make along the way prevent us from learning, picking ourselves up and carrying on. That’s not something you can buy at the dairy.

Telling you that I’m leaving Greenpeace now, as the anniversary of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior approaches, makes me realise we need her more than ever. The need for her today is at least as strong as it was 30 years ago and the sense of hope that she inspires is just as powerful. I hope you were able to experience this for yourself when the current Rainbow Warrior visited New Zealand a couple of years ago.

On the anniversary, Friday the 10th July, the Rainbow Warrior will be in the Pacific continuing to campaign against the biggest threats to our planet, the air we breathe, and our climate. To commemorate the anniversary, and celebrate the courage shown by those people who stand up and take action for what really matters, we will be holding an exhibition and other special events during the weekend.

I have loved being part of Greenpeace New Zealand over the last 10 years as executive director. I will keep working for Greenpeace in whatever way makes sense and where I am needed. But now is the time for someone else to take on this wonderful role. I’m not dashing out the door just yet. I’ll be here until around the end of October or early November to hand over to my successor and introduce them to you.

With love, respect and many thanks,

Bunny McDiarmid
Executive Director, Greenpeace New Zealand

Eyes of Fire microsite on the Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace warrior Bunny McDiarmid retires

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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