Pacific Media Watch

18 October 2010

SAMOA: Observer development editor quits suddenly

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APIA: Samoa Observer development  editor Russell Hunter has resigned. He finished work on Wednesday and  left Samoa on Friday, the Observer reports.

Hunter came to the Samoa Observer 18 months ago after he had been deported from Fiji where he was publisher of the Fiji Sun.

It is understood the government of military leader Frank Baniamarama  expelled him after certain articles said to be critical of the military regime had been published in the Sun.

Hunter said he was woken up in his home in Suva in the middle of night by military men, led outside into a vehicle which took him to Nadi Airport, and was put on a plane  
bound for Australia.

His wife and two daughters were left behind in their house in Suva. Later they moved to be with Hunter who was then living in Townsville, Australia.

Shortly afterwards, the Samoa Observer offered Hunter a job on the paper and he accepted. He was made development editor.

Last week, Hunter resigned, saying in a letter: “I do not feel that I have delivered what I came here to deliver and am not convinced that I will be able to do so.

“I wish the Samoa Observer every success in the future."

Editor-in-chief Savea Sano Malifa and publisher Muliaga Jean Malifa of the Samoa Observer News Group (SONG) accepted his resignation. - Samoa Observer/Pacific Media Watch

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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