Wendy Bacon

PMC profile photograph
PMC Advisory Board member

Professor Wendy Bacon is an Australian investigative journalist and non practising media lawyer.

She worked at Channel 9 (Sunday Programme and Sixty Minutes), John Fairfax and Sons (National Times and Sun Herald) and SBS (Dateline) and won a Walkley Award for feature writing.

She has a long history of campaigning around free speech issues. Current research interests at the University of Technology, Sydney, include the reporting of Asia-Pacific humanitarian and environment issues, finding innovative ways to combine investigative journalism with scholarly research and developing e-learning projects around simulation games and blogs.

She retired recently from UTS but retains a strong link.

She was until recently director of the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism (ACIJ) and is a contributing editor to the Pacific Journalism Review and the Sage journal Journalism, Theory, Practice and Criticism.

She is now professorial fellow at the ACIJ.

Profile at UTS

Wendy Bacon's stories at PMC Online

Wendy Bacon's stories at Pacific Scoop


