Pacific Media Watch

22 July 2016

FIJI: Hacker targets Fijileaks but 'cyber coup fails'

Hero image
Cartoon by Dave Brown @ Fijileaks.

SUVA (Pacific Media Watch/Fijileaks): The investigative blog Fijileaks, which specialises in revelations about the Bainimarama post-coup regime and post-2014 election government and corruption exposes, was hacked for a day yesterday.

"Cyber coup defeated: We are back. Thanks to all who kept faith," declared Fijileaks editor, Oxford-based Fiji journalist and author Victor Lal.

"But shame on the news outlets and all those who publish their press releases on Fijileaks but didn't inform our readers that our site had been hacked and shut down!"

No indication was given by Fijileaks about who might have been responsible for the hacking.

However, a message posted on the Fijileaks Facebook page, signed by "Bee Es" with a blue scorpion as its avatar, claimed responsibility without giving any reason.

"We brought you down, and we will again - as many times as you rise again."

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
