
17 May 2017

Pacific Journalism Monographs No. 6: Watching Our Words: Perceptions of self-censorship and media freedom in Fiji

Publication month
No. 6 May 2017
Pacific Media Centre
Paper date

Ricardo Morris, a journalist and Thomson Reuters fellow from Fiji, has studied the perceptions and practice of self-censorship among journalists from his country in the years following the military coup in December 2006.

He focused particularly on the period after the 2014 general election that returned Fiji to democratic rule.

In his research paper, Morris examines how willing Fiji’s media workers are to self-censor, how self-censorship works in newsrooms, and what factors are influential on journalists’ work.

The research report was first published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and has been published by the Pacific Journalism Monograph series at the Pacific Media Centre by arrangement with the author and institute.

Morris is the founder, publisher and editor of independent media company Republika Media Limited in Fiji, which publishes the magazine Repúblika.

PDF available here.

Pacific Journalism Monograph series editor: Professor David Robie

Ricardo Morris

Fiji journalist and publisher of Repúblika

Ricardo Morris is the founder, publisher and editor of independent media company Republika Media Limited in Fiji, which publishes the magazine Repúblika and other media.
