Pacific Media Watch

24 July 2017

SOLOMON ISLANDS: Media association appoints new president

Hero image
Former press secretary to Prime Minister Manaseh Sogavare, Deli Oso (left), becomes the new president of the Solomon Islands' media association. Image: Island Sun.

AUCKLAND (MASI/PACNEWS/Pacific Media Watch): The Media Association of the Solomon Islands has elected a new president.

Deli Oso, former press secretary to Prime Minister Manaseh Sogavare, has replaced Leni Dalavera of national broadcaster SIBC in the role.

Oso says she is "so amazed" and "honoured" by the level of support she received in the Media Association of Solomon Islands' (MASI) executive election on June 20, 2017.

"I would like to take this opportunity as your new president to thank all who participated in the MASI executive election last night for your overwhelming support for my candidacy.  

"I look forward to working with my executive- Douglas Marau (vice president), Hilda Lamani (member), Uriel Matangani (member), Jillian Ratamana (member) and Ben Bilua (member) and all MASI members to build on the good work and achievements of the former executive,” Oso said in a Facebook post.  

"MASI now has a revised Media Code of Ethics and Corporate Plan -- thanks to the former executive and media consultant Mr Bruce Levitt for their visionary leadership over MASI during their term in office.  

"I believe MASI can achieve a lot more if we -- current MASI executive and members -- continue to work together with the common objective of transforming MASI into a professional and high performing industry," she said. 

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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