PMC Multimedia

26 September 2017

REGION: ‘Keep our islands above water’ Pacific Climate Warriors plea for COP23

Pacific Climate Warriors ... call on the region to 'Have Your Sei' in ensuring strong climate action. Video: 350 Pacific

AUCKLAND (Pacific Media Watch): Climate activists representing 12 Pacific Island nations have launched the Pacific Climate Warriors Declaration on Climate Change.

The declaration is part of’s Have Your Sei campaign and calls on world leaders to take effective action on climate change and ensure upcoming climate talks in Bonn, Germany, emphasise the voice of the people and not the fossil fuel industry.

This call includes an immediate transition to 100 percent renewable energy, ensuring global average temperatures do not exceed 1.5 degrees celsius, continued support for climate finance, and the exclusion of the fossil fuel industry from climate negotiations.

The Pacific Climate Warriors bold step comes as the region grows weary of “waiting for the world” in avoiding a climate catastrophe, the international environmental organisation said.

With Fiji as the president of COP23, the Warriors said they also wanted to ensure Pacific leadership on climate change was recognised and the region’s voice heard.

"At COP 23 this year, we need young indigenous voices from the Pacific highlighting our lived realities as communities on the frontlines of climate change, we also need the world to recognize the resilient spirits of our people in the face of this climate crisis," George Nacewa, 350 Fiji’s coordinator stated.

The Warriors said they have already started engaging with communities and networks in different islands.

"From now till COP 23, we will travel through our different island countries and collect support for this Declaration.

“Along with sign on support, we will also collect stories of how climate change impacts people's homes.

“We will then deliver this Declaration to world leaders at COP23 so they know exactly what is going on in the Pacific and what our people need to keep our islands above water."

"We know what has to be done to keep our islands above water, and it has to be done by people at all levels- from grassroots to governments. This is a sure shot way of ensuring that grassroots voices are elevated and brought into these policy spaces," concluded Nacewa.

Climate negotiations take place in Bonn, Germany, November 6-17.

Pacific Climate Warrior Declaration on Climate Change 

More climate change stories 

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