Pacific Media Watch

19 December 2010

REGION: PasiMA appoints new staff during MIJT Conference

Hero image
New administrative director of PasiMA Ana Currie. Photo: Spasifik Magazine

AUCKLAND: The board officers of Pasifika Media Association (PasiMA) have announced the appointment of Ana Currie, of Hawai‘i, to serve as the fledgling organisation’s first administrative director.

The PasiMA board officers and executive committee are in Auckland this week participating in the “Media, Investigative and Technology Conference 2010” at Auckland University of Technology. Other action items at the PasiMA meeting included the adoption of organizational bylaws and formulating a work plan for the coming months.

Currie currently serves as the executive director of Pasifika Foundation Hawai‘i and is a consulting editor for Tonga’s Taimi Media Network.

She is an award-winning journalist and editor whose work has been published in a number of regional publications, including SPASIFIK Magazine, the Hawai‘i Independent, and the Hawai‘i Island Journal. She held the position of editor at the Journal from 2002 to 2005, focusing on expanding the paper’s focus to include comprehensive coverage of Native Hawaiian and Pacific regional issues as well as investigative reporting of development and environmental issues on the island.

“It is an honor to be part of this exciting new organization,” says Currie.

“PasiMA has many dynamic projects in the works, including the development of a website and news service that will become an industry leader in its unique multidimensional approach and regional flavor, with news and issues coverage that will range from micro to macro and top-level commentary.”

Other immediate projects include the strategic development of curriculum materials for a web-based journalism training program.

PasiMA’s board president and editor-in-chief of the Samoa Observer, Savea Sano Malifa, said, “Ana’s abilities and experience will be real assets to the development and management of PasiMA’s range of services.

“We are very pleased to have her as part of the PasiMA team.”

Currie will be in Samoa in January to coordinate the establishment of PasiMA’s Apia office and support staff. – PasiMA/Pacific Media Watch

Article: PasiMA appoints administrative director

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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