Kim Bowden

PMC profile photograph
Asia-Pacific internship journalist

Kim Bowden is on a three-month internship with the state-owned China Daily in Beijing.

She hails from Auckland, and recently completed AUT University’s Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Studies as a journalist.

The move into journalism has been a change in career path for Kim, who previously worked for six years with adventure tour company Intrepid Travel in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Zealand. She also had a year-long stint as an electoral secretary.

Kim graduated from the University of Auckland in 2001 with an Arts degree in political studies and geography.

Kim has been a frequent contributor to PMC Online and Pacific Scoop while on the Asia-Pacific Journalism paper.  She is also one of three recipients of the 2011 Pacific Media Centre international internships and the AUT/China Daily Exchange Programme, in conjunction with the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

Kim Bowden stories
