Bomber Bradbury
AUCKLAND: Māori Party too tied up with Nats - Harawira (news item)
Many Māori believe the Māori Party has lost track of who it represents and is too wrapped up in its coalition with National, Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira says.
They believe the party has not been able to be an independent voice because of its government partnership and Harawira is calling for his party to consider its options at the next election.
He said yesterday that a Labour, Green, Māori Party government was a reality.
OPEN LETTER: Hone, we live in extraordinary times. The current global economic crises is unlike anything since the 1929 stock market collapse which spawned the great depression. We face a crisis 'of' capitalism as the unregulated neoliberal greed of corporations has been allowed to replace managed Keynesian economic theory. In the 1970s, the real economy and the financial economy were evenly valued but 40 years of deregulation, low tax, free market dogma has seen the real economy valued annually at $8 trillion while the financial economy is valued at $330 trillion, that disconnect between reality and the inflated bubble world of finance has gone pop, we must reconsider the rules of the game because the unsustainable consumer culture of SUV's, plasma TVs and cosmetic surgery all on the credit card game is over.
The decade long credit splurge debt chasm was caused by suppressed wages due to neo-liberal policies in the 1980s and 90s creating the illusion of wealth from over inflated house prices.
The stimulus to date has merely prevented an all out collapse and the current policy of slashing public spending is the exact last thing this government should do because all that will achieve is hurt the poor, make economic recovery even slower and see unemployment rise. - Tumeke/Pacific Media Centre/Pacific Media Watch
Read the full Tumeke commentary and links