Pacific Media Watch

17 January 2012

EAST TIMOR/WEST PAPUA: Videos on human rights journalist Allan Nairn

Hero image
Investigative journalist Allan Nairn. Photo: Democracy Now

NEW YORK (East Timor & Indonesia Action Network / Pacific Media Watch): Journalist Allan Nairn's reporting has been crucial in exposing US complicity with human rights and war crimes by Indonesia's security forces in East Timor, West Papua, Aceh and elsewhere. He has forcefully urged that US officials be held accountable for their complicity in crimes against humanity.

In January, Nairn spoke in New York City about the successful movement to support East Timor's self-determination and restrict US military assistance to Indonesia and its significance for Occupy Wall Street and today's global movements for justice.

On November 12, 1991, Nairn with Amy Goodman witnessed the Santa Cruz massacre in Dili, the capital of East Timor. Nairn was beaten and had his skull cracked. Their reports of the massacre inspired the founding of ETAN, and Nairn has served as a key advisor to ETAN and was a member of its steering committee.

On January 5, Nairn spoke at an event organized by ETAN. On January 9, he spoke at an event organized by OccupyWallStreet Think Tank with support from ETAN.

* View video of both talks here

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
