Pacific Media Watch

7 March 2011

FIJI: Government denies media reports on 'row' with Queen

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Elenoa Osborne

SUVA: Fiji does not have a row with Britain and has not dumped the Queen, says the Permanent Secretary to the PM’s Office, Lieutenant-Colonel Pio Tikoduadua.

Tikoduadua was responding to overseas media reports that Fiji has removed the figure head of Queen Elizabeth II from its currency notes and coins due to a row with Britain over it’s suspension from the Commonwealth.

Tikoduadua told FBC News that although Fiji is suspended from the Commonwealth, Fiji does not have any row with anyone and does not intend to.

He says the decision to remove the figurehead of Queen Elizabeth II from Fiji banknotes was made by the government.

He says no one and no media organisation could take away the historical attachment between Fiji and Britain.

He says the Queen’s figurehead was being substituted with issues "more relevant" to Fijian society today.

Tikoduadua says for a long time Fiji has been a republic and the monarchy is no longer the head of state – "so we are now creating our own destiny".

He says important and iconic flora and fauna have been selected to replace the Queen’s portrait - like the tagimoucia flower, the crested iguana and many other species which are on the verge of extinction.

The new design notes will be introduced into circulation around June 2012. - Fiji Broadcasting Corporation/Pacific Media Watch

Article: Fiji dismisses row with Queen reports

Daily Mail article on March 3

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
