Pacific Media Watch

18 November 2015

FIJI: Media bids to win support for coup victim's family unsuccessful

Hero image
Fiji Media Association president Ricardo Morris (centre) and colleagues with photographer Sitiveni Moce some time before he died. Image: FMA

SUVA (Radio New Zealand International / Pacific Media Watch): Senior media representatives in Fiji say several unsuccessful attempts were made to try and secure compensation for the veteran former Fiji Times news photographer Sitiveni Moce whose funeral was held in Suva today, reports Radio New Zealand International.

Moce passed away last Friday from debilitating injuries he sustained after being beaten by soldiers on two occasions during the 2000 and 2006 coups.

The editor of Fiji's Islands Business magazine, Samisoni Pareti, said lawyers had advised them that although Moce's injuries had left him semi-paralysed for more than a year, too much time had passed to qualify a worker's compensation claim.

"We are hoping that commonsense will prevail, I mean he got injured through his line of work and we are hoping that through his former employers the Fiji Sun and the Fiji Times newspapers there will be some consideration for his widow, Mili as well as his 12 year old son Jione who are now left without a father."

Background on the case of Sitiveni Moce

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

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