Pacific Media Watch

21 October 2010

FIJI: Media Development Authority sets up structure

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Roland Koroi

SUVA: The chairman of the Fiji Media Development Authority, Professor Subramani, says it is presently setting up its infrastructure so that the authority could be fully operational within a month.

The position of secretary for the Media Development Authority will be advertised in the next week and an office space has been earmarked.

Subramani told FBC News the authority would be proactive in working with the media, and constructively help support the development of quality media services, as well as interpret the provisions in the media decree.

On Fiji being ranked by Reporters Without Borders as the lowest country in the Pacific for media freedom, Subramani says many people have not read the decree carefully enough and have misconceptions about it.

He says the decree provides for media guidelines that were previously not present and should be looked at as a stage in the evolution of the
media industry in Fiji.

Subramani told FBC News the authority had not received any formal complaints as yet but there had been some comments and "a couple" of verbal complaints. - Fiji Broadcasting Corporation/Pacific Media Watch


Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
