Pacific Media Watch

27 October 2015

GLOBAL: IFJ appoints French media unionist to head journalists body

Hero image
Anthony Bellanger ... new IFJ secretary-general. Image: PM/IFJ

BRUSSELS (International Federation of Journalists/Pacific Media Watch): Anthony Bellanger, a French national and trade unionist, was appointed as the new general-secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) by the federation’s executive committee at its October 45-25 meeting in Brussels.

He succeeds Beth Costa of Brazil who held the post since 2011.

Anthony Bellanger, 42, was IFJ deputy general secretary since 2 September 2014. He holds a PhD in history and had spent most of his career as journalist in the French print media and was involved in trade unionism with the Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) which he led as fIrst general secretary from 2011-2014.

"It is both an honour and pride for a journalist and trade unionist to serve as the general secretary of the IFJ, the largest professional organisation of journalists in the world,” Bellanger told the IFJ executive committee.

“The profession faces huge challenges today. The security of our colleagues remains elusive in many countries at war and the reign of impunity for crimes against fellow journalists threatens the freedom of expression in many regions of the world. The precarious working conditions, affecting mainly young journalists have become the norm while media concentration undermines pluralism.

"There are other causes for concerns, including laws on surveillance which are a hindrance to the confidentiality of sources, the unresolved gender bias and the hostility to collective bargaining from media owners which threatens the primary protection of journalists’ wages and social rights.

"There is so much to do and my priority will essentially be our 600.000 members across 139 countries in the world, who struggle daily to keep alive journalism and international solidarity.”

Bellanger will launch on November 2 the  IFJ global campaign against impunity for crime targeting journalists.

He will also coordinate the 29th IFJ World Congress which will be held in Angers (France) from 7-10 June 2016, 90 years after the creation of the IFJ in Paris in 1926. 

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
