Pacific Media Watch

11 August 2011

PNG: NauFM group plans to launch third radio station - Legend FM

Hero image
The Legend FM logo for a sister radio station in Fiji operated by the owners of NauFM and YumiFM.

Belinda Kora

PORT MORESBY (PNGFM/Pacific Media Watch): NauFM and YumiFM (PNGFM) today announced plans to launch the company's  third network radio station next month - Legend FM.

The audience identified as having no specific station to cater for their needs was described in a statement as "positive, forward-thinking, better educated, somewhat opinionated, a bit conservative, fashion conscious information seekers who want a mix of music, news, information and entertainment that has a level of quality and professionalism about it".

They want to be seen as successful and want to be part of the "group".

As most of their basic needs are already met they are looking for enhanced belongingness and a greater sense of self-esteem.

However, they remember their roots and remain in contact with their past, loyal to music from their formative years and maintain friendships and family ties from previous years.

The new radio station  will formally be launched on 16 September 2011, first in Lae and then Port Moresby.

The radio will put more emphasis on news, information and music from the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s from both local and international arena.

The news will be more upbeat and projected in a very attractive way for consumption, making sure that it is sharp, balanced and seeks to find answers and solutions for issues relating to all sectors of society.

Belinda Kora is news director of the PNGFM newsroom.

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
