Pacific Media Watch

25 April 2015

PNG: NBC chief launches crackdown on staff over social media 'malice'

Hero image
NBC managing director Memafu Kapera ... smeared on social media. Image: Pacmas

PORT MORESBY (PNG Today/Pacific Media Watch): Management of Papua New Guinea's state-run National Broadcasting Corporation is taking drastic action against both current and former staff of the organisation who have taken advantage of social media in making malicious claims against the management.

Managing director Memafu Kapera told a media conference this week that people involved had been identified and arrests would be made.

The management since last month has conducted an investigation into the true identity of the "faceless people" who have made serious allegations against them on Facebook.

The same people have also gone to the extent of creating a Facebook account with the name Memafu Kapera without his consent and have posted derogatory remarks on the timeline.

The account contains a picture of Kapera with slogans such as "Devil's advocate", "thief" and "triple- 6" written on his forehead.

Kapera and his management reportedly believe it is the work of disgruntled staff who were displaced with a recent restructuring exercise that the organisation has carried out.

The restructure reforms have been carried out in the NBC but other government organisations.

Kapera said some current staff were also involved in tarnishing the name and good work of the current management and they would be dealt with.

The managing director also claimed that former staff who had made malicious comments against him had no material attachment with the organisation as their entitlements had been paid out and they "should move on".

Kapera said the people were known to management, and they would be arrested under the Information and Communication Technology Act.

Controversy over PNG social media curbs

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Pacific Media Watch

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