Pacific Media Watch

28 May 2012

PNG: Outgoing opposition leader calls for honesty ahead of election

Hero image
Dame Carol Kidu, the retiring Opposition leader of the PNG Parliament. Photo: The Record

PORT MORESBY (The National/Pacific Media Watch): Dame Carol Kidu has urged all Papua New Guineans to be wary of the impacts of corruption and to lead an honest life.

The opposition leader is also patron of the Sir Anthony Siaguru walk-against-corruption. She told a crowd that PNG needed vibrant and good ethical leaders who were people-oriented so that they could deliver important services.

She also said the annual event yesterday was strategic as this was the election campaign period and it was vital for the walk to be held.

“The significance is that we raise awareness on the issue of corruption and how we can minimise, and possibly eradicate it.

“Corruption denies the right to basic services like health and eduction and does not promote development,” she said.

Dame Carol stressed the importance of raising children in a nation of social justice and fairness.

She said children were the future of PNG and it was important that they understood the message of fighting corruption.

More than 50 corporate houses, schools and civil society organisations took part in the event. The walk started at 6.30am from the Jack Pidik Park, then to East Boroko, up to 4-Mile and back to the park.

It was organised by Transparency International PNG.

The funds raised from the walk will support the work of TIPNG in curbing corruption in the country. Prizes were awarded to schools and organisations for the best banner, best dress, best message and best corporate team.

Dame Carol: Be wary of corruption

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Pacific Media Watch

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